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50/50 Representation: The New Normal

50 + 50 = Governing with 100% of America’s Talent, Wisdom, and Skill

What happens when we get to 50/50 representation, men and women, just like the population?

Join a virtual “kitchen table” conversation, talking about what happens when and if we govern with roughly equal numbers of women and men at the table in elected office, making the decisions that affect all our lives.

How does this work? We use a new virtual conversation platform that lets small groups of people “go deep” on the topic of 50/50 representation at the local, state, and national levels. You simply sign on at a given time. You’ll meet other people with ideas and opinions about the topic, and share your thinking with them. Your group will envision what life will be like with 50/50 as the normal expectation of how elected offices look and function. Then you’ll be invited to take simple actions after the conversation, as a group or as individuals, if you feel inspired to do so!

No prior knowledge of the topic is necessary to be a valuable participant in the conversation! Just bring your common sense and life experiences, then speak honestly with others who will do the same.

Working together in small groups, we hope you’ll hit upon some truly unique and innovative ideas and approaches, should you want to take action We’re not here to teach you about the topic, but to give you a platform to develop your own thinking about it. Along the way, we provide support and structure to help ensure every voice is heard.


A sample online video conversation in the VoiceVoice platform.

What is The Women’s Campaign Fund?

WCF is an advocacy group that commits to 50/50 representation by women and men in elected offices nationwide by 2028.

We are people from all political parties who believe government works best when America is represented by 100% of the available talent, wisdom, and skill – 50/50, men and women, like the population. Not a quota, just a concept.

WCF also operates the 50/50 PAC for women candidates. Not just any women. Women with the proven ability to reach common ground solutions.

WCF’s mission is to leverage common ground to build good government at all levels using 100% of America’s talent, wisdom, and skill.

For more than 40 years, WCF has championed women in elected office. It is now leveraging the full force of its experience and history to support two things: championing women candidates capable of achieving common ground solutions and achieving a more perfect union through #5050x2028.

WCF does not need to speak for all women, for all men, nor for all topics. We champion the ability of more women to speak for themselves, working in equal numbers with men, in every party, in every elected office, at every level of government.

Why 50/50? Why 2028?

WCF realized in the 2016 election cycle that fewer and fewer Republican women were running for office and, as a non-partisan organization, found that unacceptable. WCF saw Democratic and Republican women targeted for standing up for freedoms and rights that are quite simply the law of the land. We saw women working across party lines for the good of all people, of women, men, and families. Along with male colleagues who shared similar goals, we saw them marked for defeat for the simple act of trying to reach common ground.

In 2017, the Women’s Campaign Fund adopted a bold, new approach. Rather than focus on issues, as it had in the past, WCF decided to focus on the underlying platform for solving them. 50/50 is not a quota, but a concept aimed at bringing to the decision-making table, for the simple purpose of good government, women, who represent 51% of the population, 56% of the conventional workforce, and thus a substantial portion of the taxpayers who provide the nation’s $3.6 trillion in tax revenue.

WCF targets 2028 because women earned the right to be represented in elected office almost 100 years ago. Voting was a good start. Why wait any longer to finish the job?

We’re not the only ones who envision a future with 50/50 representation:

“Look what’s happened since 1776, most of the time, using half our talent. I mean just imagine what’s gonna happen when we, you know—go full blast with 100%.

—Warren Buffett

Frequently Asked Questions